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Society of Our Lady of Egmanton Council

Mrs Victoria Cox, Fr Michael Dixon, Mrs Mary Howe, Fr Edward Martin, Mr Tom Middleton (Honorary Secretary), Mr Ian Pinder-Packard (Honorary Treasurer), Mr Jonathan Price, Fr Philip Reynolds (Membership Secretary), Fr Nicolas Spicer (Chaplain), Mr Graham Stevenson, Mrs Jean Wright.

Honorary Vice Presidents of the Society

Mr John Barnett, Mrs Lilli Barnett


Donations / payments for subscriptions can be made to:

Lloyds Bank. Account name: Society of Our Lady of Egmanton. Sort code: 30-99-50. Account number: 36966060

Cheques may be made payable to Society of Our Lady of Egmanton. Please contact the Honorary Treasurer on for mailing address.

Please reference the purpose of the payment in the online banking or with a note on/with the cheque.

How to Find Us

The Shrine can be found in the Church of Our Lady of Egmanton, Tuxford Road, Egmanton, NG22 0EZ.